Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Palette De Bine 72% Maya Mountain

About: This is a bean-to-bar chocolate made in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. It has the hallmarks of bean-to-bar chocolates: a fresh, fruity flavor and a slightly snappy texture. Things I liked: they've won a number of awards; there's not a lot of marketing nonsense - it's about the chocolate; they seem to make be a range of single source dark chocolates.

Flavor: I found the flavor very solidly good. Really above par good. But perhaps not mind shatteringly so. Maybe my expectations were too high. Don't get me wrong, it's fruity and rich and in no way over roasted, over fermented, or diluted with other flavors (like vanilla). Definitely an excellent bar. Good flavor profile.

Texture:Slightly brittle, as is often the way with bean-to-bar bars. But smooth. No chalk, bits, or anything negative.

My rating:Very solid 8. 

Rating Value Meaning
1 Really bad chocolate. There's something just really really wrong here in almost every imaginable respect.
2 A bar with this rating has at least two drawbacks.
3 A bar where something is starting to get seriously wrong.... for example, really weak flavor with an otherwise acceptable texture.
4 This bar is below average, but just slightly. Mostly it's not worth eating again. Something isn't quite up to par, for example a poor texture but fine flavor.
5 This is an average good bar that's worth eating. There's nothing really wrong with it, but also nothing particularly spectacular. Or, perhaps it has a good characteristic that's evenly counter-weighted by something weak.
6 A solidly good bar with one characteristic that's above par, for example a great texture.
7 An solidly good chocolate that has two above par characteristics, but nothing mind-blowing. Good, above average flavor, but nothing to die for.
8 An excellent bar with no weaknesses and at least one characteristic that's super.
9 An awesome bar to die for with amazing texture and flavor.
10 You have been touched by God.

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