Monday, August 10, 2015

Trader Joe's 72% Cacao Darm Chocolate

About: Trader Joe's products span a wide range of quality. You can get some pretty good stuff. You can get some pretty mediocre stuff. This lands on the "pretty good" side. The chocolate says "made in Belgium." I have no idea if that's like olive oil made in Italy, from olive oil made in Spain and who knows where else. But if you stop worrying about the potential for Chinese plastic filler and focus on the flavor, you'll be pleasantly rewarded.

Flavor: This is a great "go to" daily bar. It's the meat-and-potatoes of chocolate bars. The chocolate flavor is full and rich. It has a nice finish without being too sweet.

Texture:  Creamy (for a bar with this much cocoa). Nothing to complain about.

My rating: 8,  on the scale of 1-10, where 10 means 'mind shockingly good' and 1 means 'would not bother'. So a 2 would be the lowest value that's worth eating, though with little enthusiasm.

This bar comes in huge 2lb mega-bars, as well as smaller wee cute bars. If you consume a lot of chocolate and want a lot of chocolate at a good price to have around for when you need it morning, afternoon, and night - this is it.

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