Monday, August 31, 2015

Maria Tepoztlan Chocolate (70%)

About: The back of this bar talks about how chocolate comes from the Nahuatl word "Xocolatl," meaning bitter water. Since this chocolate is made in Mexico, they are trying to create an romantic association with the the very dead Aztec civilization. I wouldn't want to live in an Aztec civilization or eat their food, and so the associate falls flat for me. It's a big, thick bulky package that gives you  a lot of chocolate in big, hearty pieces. Sadly, they are hearty pieces of ick.

Flavor: Ptui. There's cinnamon in this chocolate. If you like that, you might like this chocolate bar. You'd also have to like a cloying sweetness that seems to betray the physical limitation of having 70% cocoa content and hence little room for excessive amounts of sugar. This bar made my literally ill, and I hated it.

Texture: Yeah. It's okay. I couldn't get past the flavor. I should take another bite to check the texture on its own, but I can't bring myself to put any more of this in my mouth.

My rating: 1,  on the scale of 1-10, where 10 means 'mind shockingly good' and 1 means 'would not bother'. Never eating this ever again.

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