Friday, October 6, 2017

Mazet Chocolate Noir 72%

About: Mazet chocolatier traces their roots back to 1636. That's a lot of roots, even if Mr. Mazet himself only joined the story around 1893. You can figure that there must be some basic goodness in the chocolate if it's survived over 100 years. They are based in Montargis, France a village of 15 thousand people which is sort of near Orleans (which is sort of near Paris). France is filled with boutique artisans that make amazing great food, and maybe this is one. They make a few different flavors of chocolate, but their main claim to fame are their carmelized almond Mazettes. This bar isn't that claim to fame.

Flavor:The flavor is mild, if somewhat bland. Really barely any flavor, but.. read below.

Texture: The bar I have was horribly brittle, and I suspect it suffered some heating and cooling (or some other aging process) that caused the cocoa butter to become nastily brittle. I'm going to conclude that this isn't the normal state of affairs, but this bar was not really edible. Sigh.

My rating:  Hard to say. I'd send it straight to hell with a 1 for the texture and lack of flavor, but I'll have to suspend belief. I'll try another bar and see.

Rating Value Meaning
1 Really bad chocolate. There's something just really really wrong here in almost every imaginable respect.
2 A bar with this rating has at least two drawbacks.
3 A bar where something is starting to get seriously wrong.... for example, really weak flavor with an otherwise acceptable texture.
4 This bar is below average, but just slightly. Mostly it's not worth eating again. Something isn't quite up to par, for example a poor texture but fine flavor.
5 This is an average good bar that's worth eating. There's nothing really wrong with it, but also nothing particularly spectacular. Or, perhaps it has a good characteristic that's evenly counter-weighted by something weak.
6 A solidly good bar with one characteristic that's above par, for example a great texture.
7 An solidly good chocolate that has two above par characteristics, but nothing mind-blowing. Good, above average flavor, but nothing to die for.
8 An excellent bar with no weaknesses and at least one characteristic that's super.
9 An awesome bar to die for with amazing texture and flavor.
10 You have been touched by God.

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