Monday, April 6, 2015

Gamla Savage Coffee Artisan Gourmet Chocolates

Flavor: This is a tasty chocolate that delivers on the promise of coffee flavoring. If you like little bits of coffee nibs in your chocolate, this bar will do it. I found the chocolate itself too sweet. My experience was: 1. pop in mouth, 2. mmm.. nice coffee flavor, 3. oy! too much sugar, 4. water! help! I think coffee is so good that it's hard to mess up coffee flavored anything, and probably one of the only two ways of doing that are with too much sufar and with a bad texture. Read on.

Texture: I prefer a creamy, smooth experience, and this bar doesn't offer that. The texture is somewhat waxy and hard and brittle.

The packaging is nice, and attempts to offer a feeling of luxury. The individual pieces, though are an awkward size, especially because the chocolate itself is so hard and brittle that if you pop a whole piece in your mouth, you're gagging, and if you try to bite a piece off, you can't.

Overall, this chocolate is okay for  a curious taste, but not worth getting twice. 

On the scale of 1-10, scores above 5 meaning 'would get again' and below 5 meaning 'don't bother with this again', I'd give this a very equivocal 4.9.

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