Thursday, June 22, 2017

Vosges Super Dark 80% Cacao Smoked Salt with Cocoa Nibs

About: Vosges chocolate got a bit up my nose, as you may find elsewhere on this blog. It was the marketing: the fond, the 'antioxidant' vergbiage, blah-dee-blah, and the fact that the flavor was just okay, at best. But... this bar is different. First, while the fancy font remains front facing, the marketing is toned down. Second, the flavor is distinctly better. So while I gave them a sarcastic review last time, I liked this bar a-plenty.

Flavor: Smooth and full flavored. Interesting smokey flavor.

Texture: The nibs provide a nice, delicate crunch.

My rating:  Solid 7 for texture and very nice, if not mind boggling, flavor. 

Rating Value Meaning
1 Really bad chocolate. There's something just really really wrong here in almost every imaginable respect.
2 A bar with this rating has at least two drawbacks.
3 A bar where something is starting to get seriously wrong.... for example, really weak flavor with an otherwise acceptable texture.
4 This bar is below average, but just slightly. Mostly it's not worth eating again. Something isn't quite up to par, for example a poor texture but fine flavor.
5 This is an average good bar that's worth eating. There's nothing really wrong with it, but also nothing particularly spectacular. Or, perhaps it has a good characteristic that's evenly counter-weighted by something weak.
6 A solidly good bar with one characteristic that's above par, for example a great texture.
7 An solidly good chocolate that has two above par characteristics, but nothing mind-blowing. Good, above average flavor, but nothing to die for.
8 An excellent bar with no weaknesses and at least one characteristic that's super.
9 An awesome bar to die for with amazing texture and flavor.
10 You have been touched by God.

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