Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cachet Premium Belgian Chocolate Rosta Rica 71% Dark Chocolate

About: Not much Cachet here, I have to say. I was disappointed. Cachet chocolate is brand of Kim's chocolate, founded in 1987 in Belgium. Many Belgian chocolates proclaim their Belgian origins, but I always see this as a sign of weakness. Perhaps I should be charitable and see it as a sign of weakness on the consumer side, not the corporate marketing side. Perhaps stupid consumers just think any chocolate that's made in Belgium is great. But anyone that knows there their towel is knows that bloody Belgium isn't a haven for chocolate perfection, and Cachet exemplifies that.

Cachet has a broad product line, and I suppose I'll have to try some of their other bars. They have flavored and filled bars, as well as boxed chocolate for all occasions. With such a broad product line, they must be doing something right -- I just didn't see what it was with this particular bar. 

Flavor: It's the chocolate equivalent of the frumpy girl next door. Nothing wrong with her. Nothing particularly good about her either. Got the requisite two arms and legs, but doesn't ignite any spark in you. Just like that. The flavor is weak - chocolate with the volume set to 4. What was that? A bit of earthy tone? Not sure. It comes on slow and leaves fast. 

Texture: This bar's downfall is the texture, which is brittle. The chocolate, if you chew it, breaks into a million little pieces in your mouth which all refuse to melt and give up their flavor. After a bit of jawing on it, it resigns to defeat and gives up some flavor, grudgingly. 

My rating: A 5 on the scale of 1-10, where 10 means 'mind shockingly good' and 1 means 'would not bother'. If there's nothing else, it's still chocolate, but why eat this when there are so many better options.

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